Our mission is to be the lowest cost producer of ABS in India, with quality standards, ‘at par’ with the global competition. ABS market in India continues to grow at around 15% CAGR and the consumption in the fiscal 2019 was in the region of 300 KTPA.

BEPL provides its customers with a bouquet of products (i.e. different grades and shades of ABS and other polymers) thereby fulfilling their specific requirements.
Polymers are essentially used in the manufacture of various plastic products.
The manufacturing plants are located at Abu Road, Rajasthan and Satnoor, Madhya Pradesh.
BEPL reaches its customers through its regional offices situated at Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Gurugram & Pune and its head office at Mumbai.
BEPL enhanced its strength by adding to its existing bouquet of offerings in Super High Heat Resistant grades lineage named “ABSTRON KU-SERIES” including ABSTRON HR60N, KU600N, KU602, KU603, KU650N, KU650NH, KU660 & KU670.

Bhansali Nagar,Taluka Sausar, Post: Pardsinga, Dist.: Chhindwara, Satnoor 480 108, (Madhya Pradesh) India.
Plot no. SP-138-143, Ambaji Industrial Area,
Abu Road,Sirohi 307026, (Rajasthan) India.